In its first 30 years, AVID (
Advancement Via Individual Determination) has proven time and time again that, when given academic rigor and support, students can be academically successful. AVID Center's vision for the future is to provide entire feeder patterns-elementary, secondary, postsecondary-a comprehensive model to focus on success for all students. AVID Elementary is based on the same learning foundation that underlies the AVID Elective. However, whereas the AVID Secondary site is a combined effort of a dedicated elective class and core content area classes to create a schoolwide impact in middle and high school. AVID Elementary is designed to be embedded into the daily instruction of fifth grade classrooms. AVID Elementary is not intended to be taught in isolation or within an elective setting. AVID Elementary takes a systemic approach through Beginnings, Foundations and Bridges implementation resources for different levels and settings in order to support all students on their journey to college readiness. AVID Elementary is a foundational component of the AVID College Readiness System and supports AVID Center's mission to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.